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Big Zoo with Orange pay monthly tariffs

Big Zoo with Orange pay monthly tariffs


Dolphin, Racoon, Panther? It is a big Zoo over here with Orange phone tariffs. Have you ever used one of these amazing animal bundles on your orange mobile phone tariff? If you have not jump in to check our orange animal planet with wonderfull minutes and texts benefits.

We start our walk around the Zoo from water inhabitants like orange dolphin tariff. After that we check orange racoon tariff, panther and orange blackberry tariffs. Also we will have a quick look on Orange 3g tariff bundles. This will conlclude our overview of orange pay monthly tariffs. So are you ready, get your ticket and fasten your belts.

Orange dolphine tariff

Among the orange phone tariffs, dolphin is one of the most popular. Orange dolphin tariff is tailored for texters and starts from £15 per month on 24 month contract. With this kind of Dolphin you get 100 minutes and unlimited text messages bundle. Going further you can have Dolphin £25 with 200 minutes and unlimited texts. One of the best orange phone tariffs is Dolphin 30 and 35 with 400, 600 minutes and unlimited text messages on 18 month contract. If you want a longer contract Orange best deal can give you £5 off your line rental on 24 month connections. Brand new dolphin is orange dolphin 40 with 900 minutes and unlimited texts.

For top level users, we recommend the following orange phone tariffs: Dolphin 45 or Dolphin 75. With Dolphin 45 you get 1200 minutes and orange unlimited texts. Last one, with orange 75 you get 3000 minutes and unlimited text. You can have £5 discount when you sign up for 24 month contract. Click here to see mobile phones available on Orange dolphin tariff.

By the way, with Orange you get magic numbers every six month. If you are on 18 or 24 month contract. Magic numbers give you unlimited calls to one PAYG or contract number for free. Fair usage policy on these magic numbers is up to 2 hours a day.
Orange racoon tariff

The racoon package is tailored for people who do landline calls as their part of calls. This package is brilliant for people who call international using £5 calling cards. On those calling cards you will find a landline number which reads "local access" or "london access". That number is a part of your orange racoon tariff.

So we start from £25 orange phone tariff. You get 200 minutes 300 texts and unlimited landlines on 18 month contract. When you sing up for 24 month you get 400 minutes 300 texts and unlimited landline calls. Orange Racoon 35 tariff will give you 600 minutes 500 texts and unlimited landline calls. For top users Orange has racoon 40, 45 where you can get up to 900, 1200 minutes respectively. Also you get unlimited internet with £45 per month tariff.

With £75 Racoon you get massive 3000 minutes 500 texts unlimited landline, unlimited orange internet on your phone. This is perfect for business people or people who spend 100's on their monthly bills. Click here to see what mobiles you can have with Racoon tarffs.

Orange panther tariff

Panther orange phone tariffs are good for people using internet on their mobile phone. Panther 45 will give you 1200 minutes 500 texts and unlimited internet on 18 month connection. Unlimited internet is subject to fair usage policy. Orange give up to 500 MB. When you go with panther £75 you get 3000 minutes 500 texts and unlimited emails and unlimited internet. Perfect for business people. Click here to find out what phone come on Panther 75.

Orange 3g tariff, Orange blackberry tariff

Orange are quite generous in terms of video calling, they offer 30 video minutes for free for three month if you are on £30 and lower orange phone tariff. If you are on £35 and above priceplan they give you 60 minutes for 12 month. Is that not great? Charges are 30p per video minute if you go over. If you call different network you pay 50p per video call.

Orange Bleackberry tariffs do not come on their own. Usually you can add them on your existing orange pay monthly contract by asking customer services to do it. If you are on 12 month unlimited emails will cost you £14.39 (includins VAT). If you are on 18 month you pay £11.49 and if your contract is 24 month then Orange will charge you £10.48 per month for unlimited internet and emails.

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